For many people living in the 21st century, screen time makes up most of the day, from work computers to TVs at home and smartphone interactions in between. Most of us cannot seem to get a break from these screens because they are a daily source of information, communication, and entertainment. If you speak to a LASIK surgeon in Orange County about the effect of screen time on our eyes, they will probably mention blue light. While blue light is not exclusively emitted from our digital screens, it is certainly one of the most disruptive factors that 24/7 screen time can have on a person.
Fortunately, there is an easy solution. Stylish blue light blocking glasses have been on the market for quite some time. They are non-prescription glasses that have been created to minimize the effect of screen time on our bodies and minds. According to an Orange County LASIK surgeon, Doctor Moosa, these glasses have been known to help eliminate blue-light-related headaches and help others sleep better. While not everyone has heard of these glasses, they are widely available for purchase and budget-friendly.
The Vision Council of America says that about 70 percent of adults in the United States experience eye strain as a result of digital devices. So, what exactly is blue light and how does it affect us?
Blue light can come from computers, tablets, phones, LED lights, fluorescent lights, and sunlight. It is one of the colors on the light spectrum that people can see with their naked eye. In small doses, it is not necessarily a bad thing. LASIK Orange County eye specialists say that blue light can help us stay alert and energized during the day. However, the problem occurs when we are constantly exposed to the light. Instead of regulating our sleep/wake cycles, blue light can disrupt them when we refuse to limit our exposure at night. The American Macular Degeneration Foundation has also linked blue light exposure to retinal damage and increased risk of age-related vision loss.
Since blue light blocking glasses were invented, they have slowly gained attention for their ability to filter out harmful light rays as people go about our daily lives. Plus, there are quite a few unique and trendy designs that make them a great accessory to any look. Back in the day, your parents or grandparents might have owned a pair BluBlockers, which were created in 1986 for astronauts and quickly became available to the public as well. New studies on blue spectrum light waves and their effect on vision clarity and comfort made these glasses a reality.
Now, Americans spend around half of their lives looking at screens. According to an article by the New York Post, our obsession with digital devices has disrupted our sleep cycles, given us more headaches, strained our eyes, and increased our chances of getting cataracts. This negative correlation between our health and our interaction with digital devices has caused many people to stop and consider how they can reverse this trend.
Blue light blocking glasses have actually become a great resource for parents. Now that younger children are being exposed to more screen time than their parents were at their age, it is important to think about the effect of blue light on developing eyes. Since children naturally have larger pupils, they are much more sensitive to the light rays. This means that they can also suffer headaches, eye strain, and restless sleep with too much exposure.
In addition to buying blue light blocking glasses, parents can adjust their children to less screen time by setting rules for how long they can use their tablet, phone, or watch the TV. When you are browsing for children’s glasses, you will want to get a nice case to keep them protected when they are not in use. Once kids become used to putting on their blue light blocking glasses everytime they sit down in front of a screen, they will likely continue these healthy habits into adulthood.
For adults that are interested in blue light blocking glasses but also rely on eyeglasses or contacts to see, they may consider getting LASIK surgery in Orange County in order to be free of their prescription lenses. According to an Orange County LASIK surgeon, Doctor Ferzaad Moosa, many people feel their quality of life is greatly improved after their vision correction procedure. Not only is it convenient to no longer be dependent on glasses or contacts, but it also often helps people achieve better vision than they thought possible for themselves. The clarity of vision and saturation of color that people experience after the LASIK surgery is life-changing.
So, once you have finally achieved clear vision through LASIK, you can replace your prescription lenses with protective blue light blocking glasses and keep your eyes healthy and happy. Here is a list of the advantages you gain from wearing blue light blocking glasses:
- Less strain on your eyes. If you work for an office, then you might understand the eye strain and fatigue that one can experience when staring at the computer all day. Blue light blocking glasses will alleviate those uncomfortable symptoms and leave you feeling more like yourself.
- Better sleep. When you’re scrolling through social media or watching Netflix before bed, you may feel like you are relaxed but the blue light emitted from your screen is actually making you more awake. The light rays are a high frequency which can make it harder for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. With blue light blocking glasses, you can still sit down to your nightly entertainment without compromising your sleep cycle.
- Decreasing your risk of getting cancer. Some studies have shown a connection between blue light exposure and cancer. This research has focused on the ability of blue wavelengths to slow the production of melatonin. Blue light blocking glasses can help restore this natural melatonin production that your body needs.
- Prevent age-related vision loss (macular degeneration). About 11 million people in the U.S. suffer from macular degeneration, which is when the center of the retina deteriorates and eventually causes blindness. With blue light blocking glasses, people can protect their retinas from being damaged by blue light and help prevent macular degeneration.