What You Should Know Before You Get LASIK
You may be looking into getting a LASIK procedure done to improve your vision and lessen or even eliminate your dependence on glasses or contact lenses. The best LASIK surgeons in Los Angeles have patients that are usually pleasantly surprised by two facts. The first is that LASIK is a procedure that is fast and pain-free. Secondly, they realize how clear, independent vision changes their lives for the best.
If you are shopping around for LASIK in Los Angeles, you should take your time to find out more about some of the surprising advantages of attaining a clear vision with LASIK.
Do Your Daily Activities Without Spectacles And Contact Lenses
Almost every LASIK surgeon in Los Angeles will tell you that you get a powerful sense of freedom when you don’t have to rely on eyewear to see correctly. When you eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses to see clearly, your routine tasks become more accessible. For instance, if your child is crying in the middle of the night, you can get up to soothe them without having to worry about falling over furniture. Also, you can enjoy a game of basketball without having to worry about breaking your glasses. Maybe you want to be able to go to the movies without having to be concerned about seeing the screen.
Again, sticking with the subject of sports and leisure activities, many LASIK patients in Los Angeles usually decide to take up a new hobby after LASIK. Some individuals choose to take tennis lessons they have always wanted to do but are put on hold because of their dependence on eyewear. Perhaps, you finally join an adult hockey league. Or maybe begin photography or start working on model airplanes. Whatever your passion or what you want it to be, LASK provides you with the clear sight you need to do the activities that give you great enjoyment.
Traveling Becomes More Fun
Traveling with eyeglasses and contact lenses is a significant hassle. However, with Los Angeles LASIK, you no longer have to stress about packing a travel-sized contact lens solution or making sure to bring a spare pair for the road. You can save some space in your suitcase for other items, such as souvenirs.
No More Safety Concerns About Contacts
Almost everyone who wears contacts becomes sloppy about care and cleaning at some point. However, the ramifications of poor contact lens hygiene are very significant. For instance, not washing your hands before handling contacts or not storing them correctly can result in an eye infection.
Worthwhile Investment
If you want to know whether LASIK is worth the cost, just think about it like this. A LASIK procedure is a one-time cost, whereas contact lenses and replacement glasses frames and lenses are repeated costs. Also, you have to think that LASIK reduces the number of optometrist appointments you require to check your prescription regularly.
After weighing over the cost comparison, you will soon realize that LASIK pays for itself over time. On the whole, LASIK and Contoura in Los Angeles can save you money and let you put those dollars toward other things that upgrade your life.
What Does LASIK NOT Correct?
LASIK is a quick procedure that can treat refractive errors and reduce dependence on eyeglasses and contacts in a few minutes. When a qualified eye surgeon carries it out, it is incredibly safe and very successful. Due to its excellent track record, LASIK is one of the most sought-after elective surgeries performed globally and has helped millions of individuals see clearer. Nevertheless, it would help if you kept in mind that LASIK surgery is not an answer for every eye or vision issue, and it is not suitable for everyone.
Typically, cataracts develop in those who are aged 65 and over. It is when the eye’s lens, not the cornea, is diseased and causes blurriness, haziness, or otherwise distorted vision. LASIK surgery is not the ideal solution for cataracts. An eye doctor can only treat cataracts by removing the eye’s natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.
Like refractive errors, keratoconus affects the cornea or transplant tissue covering the eye’s surface, and it causes blurry or distorted vision. Nevertheless, keratoconus cannot be cured with LASIK. As a matter of fact, LASIK can make the condition worse, which happens when the usually round cornea thins out and sticks out into a cone-like shape. Dr. Moosa at Excel Eye has several treatments targeting keratoconus, such as corneal crosslinking, special contact lenses, and corneal transplant.
Glaucoma is an eye disease identified by an increase in pressure within the eye. As the disease progresses, it slowly damages the optic nerve, which transmits visual information from the eye to the brain. Over time, glaucoma can cause a permanent loss of vision. LASIK cannot treat glaucoma and is usually not an option for those with refractive errors and glaucoma.
Are You A Good Candidate For LASIK?
If you are considering LASIK to correct a refractive error, the best way to determine whether you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ferzaad Moosa. He will carry out an eye exam, take your medical history and talk to you about your treatment goals before recommending you for surgery.
To book your visit, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Excel Laser Vision Institute today.
What Is Contoura™ Vision And How Can It Benefit You?
Individuals seeking permanent eye correction solutions are asking for more information about Contoura Vision. Contoura is the most revolutionary customization technology available for laser eye surgery if you don’t know already. The laser eye surgery doctors in Los Angeles perform this type of procedure and explain more about it below.
When you consider the LASIK eye surgery cost, you can’t go wrong with a Contoura procedure. Doctor Moosa, the LASIK Los Angeles surgeon of Excel Laser Vision Institute, enlightens us that Contoura Vision is a topography-guided vision correction treatment. It is a visual treatment that’s customized for the patient. Also, it’s the only treatment to accurately map 22,000 elevation points of the cornea to produce a customized treatment to an individual’s vision.
When there are irregular elevation points on the eye, it can disrupt the light entering the eye and block you from attaining optimal Vision. These maps let Contoura Vision produce a customized vision correction treatment that’s one-of-a-kind to your eye. The topography test transmits data straight to the excimer laser for the Contoura Vision treatment. The topography of your eye is as unique as your fingerprint.
How Is Contoura Vision Different From Other Vision Correction Treatments?
There are so many vision correction treatments available that only treat your eyeglasses prescription. However, Contoura in Los Angeles has the technology to allow the Vision to be personalized, based on individualized mapping of the contours, such as a fingerprint, of your eye. The outcomes of the FDA Clinical Trials have revealed that this personalized treatment gives excellent visual results, with 93% of the patients receiving 20/20 vision or better.
Contoura™ Vision, which has been used safely and effectively in the United States, Canada, and Europe for over ten years, is a unique topography-guided LASIK procedure because of the way it maps the eye to guide treatment. It utilizes a topography instrument called the Vario Topolyzer to measure every submicroscopic peak and valley on the cornea to a very accurate degree.
Although wavefront-guided LASIK can generate good outcomes by measuring about 200 points of curvature on the cornea, Contoura Vision measures 22,000 points. That information lets a computer create an individualized treatment profile, which is then programmed into an ultra-modern laser that immediately applies the treatment to the cornea.
The laser regularises the shape of the cornea, so all of the light rays go through it reach the retina at the back of the eye consistently, creating clear, crisp Vision. Contoura™ Vision is truly personalized. The topography measurements are so precise that it would be inconceivable for any two treatments to be the same.
Another distinction between wavefront-guided and topography-guided LASIK is that wavefront measurements consist of all parts of the eye along the visual pathway, and topography measurements include only the cornea. This is crucial since the cornea is where most of the imperfections can make Vision less than perfect. While the lens of the eye can also bring about poor Vision, it alters over time, which could counteract the changes made to the cornea by LASIK.
ContouraTM Vision: Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction can enhance the surface of the eye’s cornea in such a manner that it actually improves the quality of Vision better than has ever been achievable before.
During clinical studies, ContouraTMVision – Topography-Guided Laser Vision Correction helped 90% of patients see as well or even better without glasses than they did with glasses. It can work for patients in several ways, helping them attain a better quality of Vision and lowering the potential for night glare.
How Do You Become A Candidate For Contoura Vision?
The LASIK eye specialist in Los Angeles uses the Wavelight® Suite, which provides various vision correction treatments to let the eye surgeon and surgical team create a personalized treatment plan based on many measurements of your eyes and Vision. The Wavelight® diagnostics suite takes numerous measurements, including topography maps and aberrometry maps of your eye. These maps, together with your Vision and prescription details, are used to find out which treatment option will provide you with optimal visual results. If this analysis reveals that a Contoura procedure will give the best visual outcomes, your eye surgeon will recommend Contoura Vision. However, your tailor-made treatment plan may recommend a different method for some eye shapes and vision types.
The Contoura method is a technique that the US FDA approved. It delivers higher quality results compared to Lasik and SMILE. Take a look at some of the eligibility criteria for patients who wish to undergo this procedure.
The patient must be above 18 years
The patient has a steady prescription for eyewear
The patient has <3D cyl. Power
The patient’s cornea is not thin
The patient’s eye power isn’t spherical >8D
The patient isn’t suffering from any significant corneal pathology
If you are considering Contoura Vision surgery to improve your eyesight, contact Excel Laser Vision Institute at (888) 957-3255. Our team is experienced as well as highly trained. Our leading eye surgeon, Dr. Moosa, a well-established LASIK surgeon in Los Angeles, has years of experience in Contoura Vision procedures. He was formerly trained at Harvard University and has a wealth of experience working with various prescription levels. Dr. Moosa has helped many professionals achieve their vision goals, from athletes to models to military personnel. Visit our website to learn more: https://www.exceleye.com/.