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Liberate Yourself from Contacts and Glasses with LASIK Surgery

If you have ever faced the challenges of poor eyesight, then you know how this can affect every aspect of your life. According to eye care professionals at a Los Angeles LASIK clinic, six out of ten people have some kind of vision problem. This is why long-term solutions like laser eye surgery have become more popular over the years.  Clarity of vision matters for many aspects of our daily life and especially in emergency situations. In recent months, people who rely on contacts...

What Makes LASIK So Great?

Over 75 percent of adults in the U.S. need prescription eyewear to correct their vision, which is why LASIK surgeons like Doctor Moosa are starting to see more prospective patients at LASIK clinics. More and more people are realizing the advantages of getting laser eye surgery to treat vision problems, especially since 90% of people over the age of 55 can’t see without prescription glasses or contacts.  LASIK surgery became FDA approved in 1996 and, ever since then, its technology...

Learn What to Expect from Your Eyes as You Get Older

According to Doctor Moosa, a LASIK surgeon in Orange County, our eyes can deteriorate even if we maintain 20/20 vision for most of our lives. In fact, it is quite common for people to develop vision problems after turning forty. Yearly eye exams become increasingly important as you age, especially to monitor symptoms of glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts. When these conditions are discovered early, patients increase their chances of maintaining strong, healthy eyes for a longer...

How LASIK Surgery Can Treat Even Severe Prescriptions

Los Angeles LASIK surgeons have helped many patients realize their vision goals, even when it seemed impossible. For people with very severe prescriptions and dependence on corrective lenses, there is hope! Many LASIK patients have achieved 20/20 vision or better with the procedure. So, before you assume that your prescription is unfixable by laser eye surgery, you need to first understand the advancements that LASIK has undergone over the years and how eligible candidates are now chosen...

How Does LASIK Surgery in Los Angeles Get You 20/20 Vision or Better?

If you are considering laser eye surgery from a LASIK clinic in Los Angeles like Excel Laser Vision Institute, then you are not alone. LASIK is one of the most common refractive surgeries with a high patient satisfaction rate and precise, long-term results. Many patients are able to achieve 20/20 vision or better with LASIK eye surgery, making corrective lenses unnecessary. In order to determine if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery, you should visit a LASIK eye center...

Why People are Seeking LASIK During These Troubling Times

Our eyesight is precious, which is why so many people with vision problems seek out LASIK clinics in Los Angeles. In recent months, the advantages of LASIK surgery have been further experienced by those who have received the procedure and further considered by people who have not. Dr. Moosa, a Harvard-trained surgeon at the Excel Laser Vision Institute, weighs in on this shift in perspective, in light of current events.  With LASIK, life-changing results are just a short...

How To Maintain Healthy Eyes

Nowadays, everyone is concerned about staying healthy. According to a LASIK surgeon in Orange County, our eyes deserve particular attention at this moment. In order to minimize the risk of infection and potential vision problems as a result of poor hygiene, everyone should follow certain guidelines that will maintain the integrity of healthy, well-functioning eyes.  While we prioritize our general health, we should remember that our eyes do so much to improve our productivity,...

Laser Eye Correction Can Benefit Many

There are several reasons why someone might seek out an experienced LASIK surgeon in Orange County for laser vision correction. It might be to further their career or simply to make life more convenient. In either case, LASIK surgery can help people realize their full vision potential without always having to rely on their prescription glasses or contacts. This level of freedom can allow people to pursue hobbies, careers, and lifestyles that they’ve always wanted for themselves. Here are...

How to Protect Your Eyes This Summer

The trend that Los Angeles LASIK clinics are noticing is that many people only wear sunglasses as an accessory or when it is an especially bright day. LASIK specialists say that, whether or not you have undergone laser eye surgery, sunlight can significantly damage your eyes, just like it can damage your skin.  In the summertime, people are outside more frequently and, with long daylight hours, have increased exposure to UV rays. So, in order to prevent eye health issues down...

Questions To Ask From Your LASIK Surgeon

If you’re considering laser eye surgery and you want to speak to a LASIK surgeon in Orange County, then it is a good idea to have some questions prepared before you visit a clinic. Many people rely on the bits of information that they know about the procedure and forget to do their homework on the rest. Your LASIK eye specialist will likely provide all the information that you need about your procedure. However, it is not a bad idea to have a few other things clarified so that you can feel...

20/20 Vision Explained

Most people have an idea of what 20/20 vision means, even without speaking to a LASIK surgeon in Orange County. However, this measurement of visual acuity is not always understood in the fullest context, which fuels the common misconceptions that people have about eyesight and vision correction. In order to bridge the gap of information, LASIK eye specialists are here to explain how vision sharpness is measured in the medical field and what that means for people who want to improve their...

Understanding LASIK Procedures

While many people have heard of laser eye surgery or know someone that has visited a LASIK clinic in Los Angeles like Excel Laser Vision Institute, not many people fully comprehend the process as it relates to vision correction. This lack of understanding can contribute to the spread of misinformation and misconceptions about LASIK. In an effort to remedy the general confusion on the topic, LASIK eye specialists are here to explain some important details about this particular kind of...